Posted by Charlotte Doheny on 16th Dec 2019

Egg laying problems in pet birds

Reading through the January edition of Parrots Magazine this week, I came to the Q&A page.  Paul, the writer, asked about pets laying eggs.  Alan Jones, retired Avian Vet, has given a detailed answer, which helps to put Paul's mind at rest.

The good thing about this is that we, as a company, have been saying what Alan Jones has written for several years now.  

Laying is a natural occurrence in hens, but what we do not like to see is a hen that is exhausted from laying, aggressive and at risk of either laying soft shelled eggs or becoming egg bound.
Reduce the protein levels, reduce the daylight hours, make sure that you give enough Calcivet and Daily Essentials3, and try not to make a fuss of the bird, as this encourages them to lay.

Click here to read our article on this subject.